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Prey Review

(Image from Steam Gamer Page)

This game from the makers of Dishonored is inspired by classics. Fans of System Shock and the original Half-Life will find a home here. Despite these parallels, Prey offers a distinct atmosphere and shocks with novel aliens, albeit the enjoyment is hampered by the necessity to return to previously found locations and small technical problems over time. The beginning is flawless. A lone scientist trapped in a hazardous environment, armed only with a wrench. Aliens that can impersonate any inanimate item are lurking around every corner, occasionally triggering a heart attack. With each stage, we take a skeptical look at ordinary goods. This otherworldly mood fades after a few hours, when larger opponents that prefer not to conceal enter the game. Armed with experimental weapons, we must strive to remove them or conceal in order to think and respond differently to the threat. Morgan Yu, the main character, goes through the Talos I research station in order to control the invasion of Typhons, or aliens in various forms. Aliens were the primary target of the out-of-control research. Morgan’s brother Alex may be the only person who knows the entire truth about the occurrence.

Morgan tests with prototype neuromods on himself, resulting in amnesia. As a result, he must progressively uncover the station’s mysteries with the player. The narrative appears to be very clichéd at first, but it gradually raises many fascinating issues and positively surprises with some of the solutions. Reading notes and messages on computers resulted in the accumulation of a small number of flavors that enhance the cosmos. The charm and ambience of the visited venue is a distinct benefit of the game. Talos I is an ancient complex that has been enlarged since the late 1960s, with sections of it also serving as a former Soviet outpost. This type of “folder” represents the contemporary modular space station paradigm and allows for a variety of placements. There is usually a cosmic walk after we have enjoyed the intriguing parts. When we unlock the necessary locks, we may also reduce the route to recognized locations, which is a very convenient approach. In terms of gameplay, it should be noted that Prey is not a traditional shooter. Despite the hero’s perspective and the ability to employ guns, the game focuses on more imaginative alternatives. We earn new powers and talents as we grow the character and equipment, as well as reprogramming the brain using neuromods. There are other strange forms of weaponry, such as the glue cannon, which, in addition to momentarily slowing down the Typhons, may aid in scaling the wall. With such instruments, we no longer consider simply battling, but also the potential uses of our toys.

(Image from Steam Gamer Page)

Instead of firing and wasting precious ammunition, we search for alternate answers to our problems. Can’t we just get to the security booth and activate the airlock? We can learn to hack and break the input code, check the adjacent notes and computers for the code, shoot the foam crossbow at the door’s activation button, or transform into a cup and roll inside via a little window. The level’s main benefit is the abundance of options and the absence of a single correct approach. Despite the terrifying beasts and hostile mood in the air, we believe that each place you uncover is a puzzle, and the solution is at the center of the game. Decisions are an essential component of the mission. We make our own decisions on the probable rescue of the survivors of the accident. We are frequently under time constraints; for example, if we do not arrive on time, the room may lose air and someone will suffocate. The powers you choose have an impact on the gameplay. When we decide to employ alien powers, we must keep in mind that the robots on the station will detect Typhon DNA particles in our bodies and will be hostile. If we strive to finish the game without employing supernatural abilities, we will collect things at each stage to recycle and construct into ammo.

(Image from Steam Gamer Page)

The necessity to return to familiar locales too frequently is the game’s most unfavorable component. We spend several dozen minutes in various sections, yet we are frequently obliged to dash from one end of the station to the other – merely to play some computer games or watch a cutscene. Previously conquered regions are now filled by tougher foes, and we feel compelled to repeat the same thing rather than being given the option to explore whole new levels. Despite some tiresome running about and returning to previously visited locales, the game is highly addicting and deserving of praise. Prey isn’t a masterpiece, but the fascinating aliens, fantastic atmosphere, and several methods to complete mission goals make spending time on the bleak Talos I station a fun experience for anyone willing to try.

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