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Evil West Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Evil West is a furious, fast-paced shooter with slasher themes and online co-op. The makers of Flying Wild Hog, on the other hand, relocated the action from distant Japan to an alternate version of the Wild West, where American humans battle vicious vampires.

We take on the character of Jesse Rentier, a depressed gunslinger and monster hunter. When bloodsuckers attack America, the hero is the first to combat the forces of darkness in order to defeat evil and save his father from a terrible fate. However, don’t be misled by the seemingly unimportant storyline backdrop – Evil West is also a drama about the birthplace of modern democracy, created through generational strife and the fight of progress with the forces of tradition and conservatism. However, the captivating and profound narrative is set in the loose atmospheres of gothic horror and spaghetti western. Of course, the main character’s armament includes a handgun and a shotgun, but his hidden weapon is an electricity-powered gauntlet that enrages the oncoming swarm of ghouls. Jesse’s arsenal grows each time with new weapons that we may alter and upgrade with the points we earn. Despite its intricacy, the skill tree is quite intuitive.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

This time, the Warsaw company opted for a view over the right shoulder rather than the FPS viewpoint associated with the Shadow Warrior series. As a result, the fight’s dynamics and tactics alter. While Lo Wang charged forward like a bullet train, Jesse Rentier prefers to battle in enclosed arenas, where he must swiftly plan his next actions and efficiently handle the limited ammo and electrical supplies. We also employ various forms of blocks, dodges, and rolls in fight, and quick reactions are rewarded with delicious “finishers.” All of this brings to mind the 2018 remake of the God of War franchise. Aside from the complicated fighting system, what distinguishes Evil West from the Sony exclusive are the basic yet interesting environmental puzzles. The game also fails to impress in terms of intuitive controls, camera handling, and a diverse set of adversaries (including difficult bosses). Of course, the project’s scope is vastly less. The landscapes aren’t as large, the wildlife and flora are similarly diverse, and the gameplay doesn’t take you away from the primary storyline of the story, we’ll finish it in under 15 hours.

The audiovisual setup is impressive. Location designs and character models, as well as physical and auditory elements, are all excellent. Only with more familiarity with the environment can you spot graphical flaws and optimization methods. And when it comes to computer optimization, Evil West does not disappoint. I just get the idea that the consistent frame rate and rather flawless production were compensated for with an overwhelming quantity of cutscenes. It was undoubtedly more easier and safer for the producers to record the guided scenes in controlled production settings rather than relying on the computers of the players to make them, which would risk frame drops and graphical glitches. Fortunately, the cutscenes are of good quality, and each one is enjoyable to see. Naturally, the smaller budget highlights additional flaws, such as weak face animations.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Unfortunately, Jesse Rentier is the weakest of the many fascinating characters. Although the voice actor who plays the main character is capable, one would like to learn more about the character he portrays. As a result, Jesse didn’t stick out as much as his biting buddy Edgar Gravenor or the character Dr. Emilia Blackwood. However, they are minor flaws that are easily overlooked in the Polish studio’s current effort. The game is really fantastic, and now that the New Game+ option is available, I will gladly return to it.

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