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Nier: Automata Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The year is 11945, and the Fourteenth Machine War has begun. Humanity is driven off Earth by robots and finally finds safety in a moon colony. There, they create the YoRHa organization, which is made up of combat androids. They are meant to represent the blue planet. As one of the androids, dubbed 2B, we are given the goal of returning from the moon to eliminate hordes of steel foes. We command a highly mobile and combat-specialized female unit with no emotions and a frigid demeanor while interacting with other androids or resistance warriors stationed on Earth. She has a task to complete, and anything that is in her way kills instantaneously. The heroine effectively employs melee weapons, which are her primary battle tool. We receive a katana right away that effortlessly slices through the bodies of robots. For the most of the game, we are joined by the second android, a young child named 9S. This is the polar opposite of 2B in every way. A chatterbox who frequently undermines 2B’s point of view on machine conflict. Surprisingly, he is the most human of all the characters in the game. Pods also assist us during the battle. These are little robots that fly over the heroine’s shoulder and are mostly employed for close-range combat. We may utilize melee weapons while also firing the Pod gun. We will modify each weapon to deliver more damage, and we will also update or alter the cannons on the Pods.

Unfortunately, there are few weapons available for purchase, and they are not extremely different within one kind, differing mostly in look. The sword we were given at the start may turn out to be the one we use to finish the journey. The most of the time, we traverse an open environment – diverse locales on an abandoned Earth linked in the form of classic Metroidvania. When the camera smoothly shifts to side view, Platinum Games’ creation becomes a platformer. Other times, it hovers above the heroes, providing a bird’s-eye view – in such cases, we frequently shoot or avoid bullets. These adjustments, while unexpected, do not disrupt the game’s flow and are a lot of fun. They make for an intriguing addition to the game. Nier: Automata is a full-fledged slasher from the genre’s masters. Hand-to-hand fighting is exciting because it is rapid, dynamic, and effective. Those expecting genuine fighting depth or a plethora of combinations, on the other hand, will be disappointed. In reality, we generally stick to only two buttons. Surprisingly, there aren’t many opponents in the early part of the game. The region is nearly entirely desolate. Only later, once the mysteries of the cosmos are disclosed, will the insane robots come to the planet’s surface to confront mankind. Seasoned players, on the other hand, should begin playing at a higher difficulty level.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

It is worth mentioning that when we die, we lose our gained skills and stuff. Without another “death,” we must approach our body to retrieve what we have lost, as in Dark Souls. In the event of a failure or activation of the self-destruction mechanism, our android’s consciousness is linked to the network and transmitted to the next body. It is critical to control and handle the camera in such a frenetic combat. While the first feature cannot be criticized, the second may be. In most situations, the camera works wonderfully, but every now and again it goes nuts and is placed at a weird angle, making it impossible to see the battlefield. There are a lot of RPG components here, but they simply add to the machine annihilation. NPC-commissioned side tasks can be undertaken in any sequence or even rejected to be completed. Their outcome has an impact on the storyline and the finale. Fortunately, while the extra activities are easy, they are also entertaining. The universe of Nier: Automata is multifaceted, emphasizing at every step that nothing in reality is black and white. 2B repeats like a mantra that computers have no feelings since they merely mimic human behavior blindly. But when we witness the robot bending over the cradle and singing a melancholy melody, our suspicions grow stronger. There are several similar situations, which is one of the game’s main features.

Story-wise, Nier: Automata is fantastic. The writers have planned numerous surprises and endings, but we must abstain from further disclosure owing to the importance of every detail. One expedition is not enough to discover everything about this world and its inhabitants. We witness changes on Earth when we approach history in different ways. We see events from a different angle, face new enemies, encounter new NPCs, and earn new side assignments. It’s so well done that clicking “Start new game” after viewing the end credits feels natural. It’s unfortunate, therefore, that the game’s visuals are just decent. Although the aesthetic idea of a melancholy, post-apocalyptic world is beautiful, technological concerns pose complications. Poor anti-aliasing and low-quality textures loading in front of the player are simply the top of the iceberg.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Nier: Automata is difficult to fall in love with right away. Even a lengthy prologue without the opportunity to save the game may put you off. However, the more time we spend in front of the computer, the more immersed we get in this fascinating universe, with its comedy and bizarre. The emotions of the characters are contagious to us, and after we end the campaign for the first time, we are so hungry for more that we immediately start playing again. This is the production’s tremendous magic.

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