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Fable The Journey Review

(Image from Game Revolution)

A lovely, instructional fairy tale about the range of consequences of wicked acts and the enormous sacrifices of true heroes. The gorgeous realm of Albion tempts tourists’ senses, and the Brothers Grimm keep an eye on the unexpected course of events. We take on the character of Gabriel, a wandering young man who travels around Albion in a caravan of horse-drawn carriages with his gang. Unfortunately, Gabriel and his loved ones get separated while crossing the massive bridge. The frantic teenager seeks a diversion in order to meet his companions as quickly as possible. While travelling alone, his mare, the perceptive Saren, detects a peril in Albion’s woodlands. In the blink of an eye, the hero is pursued by a horrific Plague that progressively takes over the area. At the same moment, Teresa, a blind psychic, joins Gabriel and shows him the path out. So starts the journey in Fable: The Journey, the most graphically gorgeous road narrative in video game history. The gameplay is centered on a series of repeating acts seen through the main character’s eyes. Because we are continually traveling in our antique carriage in the game, we frequently grip the reins of the team and guide our hand motions as if we were driving. It is a really nice experience, both calming and engaging, comparable to the enjoyment some people receive from driving a car. We dodge natural impediments along the road, such as rock fragments, steep cliffs, and jutting tree trunks, while also collecting beautiful crystals. Saren, our lovely mare, may be brought to a trot, run, or even gallop at any point during the voyage. At the start of the game, we arrive to a mystery location mentioned by Teresa and leap from the carriage. We are now walking to the miraculous pool. We get abilities beyond our unsophisticated, peasant thinking after washing our hands in it. We’ll be using gauntlets to conduct magical assaults from now on. We have two skills at our disposal from the start. We push by stretching our left hand forward. This is an excellent method for solving riddles, moving goods, opening stone bulkheads, and, most importantly, throwing and pushing adversaries away. Thunder is the second talent allocated to the right hand, with which we do damage to opponents or detonate barrels with gunpowder. Interestingly, if we miss the coming Hobbes a little, nasty monster that lives in a fantasy world, we may direct the flying missile to the designated target with a wave of our hand.

(Image from Fable Wiki)

Later in the quest, we encounter more magical assaults, such as a tremendous fireball or a spear that may be thrown at a single target or scattered into shards in the air to attack many adversaries at once. We get experience for collecting crystals along the road and beating opponents, which we may use at any moment on stronger attacks, more health and mana, or extending Saren’s gallop. The fighting, albeit repetitious, is quite enjoyable. We have the Force of the Star Wars story on our side. Battles are made more interesting by varying geography and a variety of foes and bosses. Hobbes, werewolves, spiders, skeletons, trolls, and more creatures can be found in the bestiary. Conjuring and tossing powerful fireballs with your own hands has never been more fun in a video game as it is in Journey. As a result, you can’t complain about boredom. Whether we ride a horse or walk, perils always obstruct our intentions and stand in our way. And this one is very lovely – our wandering is accompanied by breathtaking sights, which I regarded with awe. Yes, we drive deep into perilous, dreary mines or through lonely villages devoid of a live life or hope, accompanied by intriguing, somber music. Despite its linearity, the magnificent environment on the screen and gentle symphonic music in the speakers often soothe the senses so completely that I did not want to leave the game.

The game has conditioned us to make moral decisions, both little and major. However, in Fable: The Journey, we encounter a pattern familiar from Fable Heroes: picking one of the two ways at the crossroads, pausing for a time to repair Saren’s wounds, or uncovering a chest with a collecting item. All rest stops are nearly identical, and the next pauses in a sequence appear almost mechanical. The game cannot be finished in one sitting since vigorous hand waving might fatigue after an hour. Furthermore, the game requires us to maintain an upright sitting position while playing. When we lose sight of it, we might miss the objective at any time and drive imprecisely.

(Image from Fable The Journey Gameplay)

Fable: The Journey’s tale is virtually typical Greek tragedy, representing sorrow, sacrifice, and redemption. Together with the main character, Teresa, Saren, and the other people we meet, we go through a catharsis that leads to a surprise ending to the fairy tale. I mentioned the Brothers Grimm at the start for a reason: it is not an ideal Disney fairy tale for children, but a smart, instructional story that will keep you occupied for several long fall hours.

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