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Grow Home Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Grow Home is a fascinating project. A delightful, nice, and colorful two-night performance. The title from the Ubisoft Reflections studio is similar to a normal indie game in that it was produced with a concept but was little undeveloped.

The Biomechanical Utility Droid, or BUD, is the primary character. Our amiable apprentice steps outside the spacecraft to investigate an intriguing ecosystem teeming with floating islands and weird animal species. We begin on the surface of a pastel universe, and our main goal is to go to higher levels. To do this, we must assure the growth of the starting plant, which acts as a big ladder. We acquire access to succeeding destinations by ascending the stem. We must activate one of the protruding branches in order for the plant to grow. The twig must then be guided suitably to reach smaller levitating islands in the vicinity. When we make the necessary amount of connections between the stem and the surroundings in this manner, the plant rises higher, allowing it to progress to the next level.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The majority of our time is spent climbing various vines and rocks. The challenge is that we operate each robot hand independently – it is far more convenient to utilize a controller. With our left hand, we grip it and pull the trigger. Then we grip a bit higher with our right hand, release with our left, pull up, and repeat till we succeed. Although not fully intuitive, this mechanic is relatively easy. It takes some getting acclimated to the climbing system. Constantly pressing opposing buttons is like to firing two revolvers, and lengthier climbs need having the left analog stick in the correct position at all times. The gameplay is enjoyable, although it may be taxing on your fingers over time. The controls were not intended to make the game tough, like in Octodad, QWOP, or Surgeon Simulator. Controlling the hero is difficult, but not impossible. We earn crystals while visiting consecutive levitating islands, which allows us to unlock goods and advancements that assist us ascend, such as a jetpack or the ability to zoom out. Environmental elements, such as big blooms that serve as a parachute, are also significant. On a horizontal surface, we frequently have to travel a shorter distance. The movement model is significantly less pleasant in this scenario – BUD is highly inert, and its braking distance is comparable to that of an 18-wheel truck. It is tough to change your running direction, yet it is quite easy to make a mistake and fall from a huge height.

Grow Home was made as a test of procedurally generated animations. The technology works better while ascending, when the droid’s legs are floppy, but when sprinting, it’s more like a simulation of going home after a night of drinking. However, the red hero’s continuous stumbles and weird twists are not very annoying and merely add to the game’s appeal – this is one of the production’s most crucial characteristics. Colorful, pastel islands, a lack of violence, amusing sounds, and encouraging words from M.O.M., artificial intelligence, all add to the pleasant environment. The whole thing seems like a child’s painting. All of this makes growing new branches and climbing slopes a breeze. Even another fall from a thousand meters does not bother us since we are reincarnated after a while at one of the numerous strategically located save spots. Grow Home is therefore ideal for somewhat younger players, providing they can master the controls, which take some getting accustomed to.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

In the case of Grow Home, the greatest impediment to excellence is the camera work. She can’t determine whether she wants to shift her position automatically in response to the hero’s actions or whether she wants to remain under the player’s control. By default, we control the viewpoint with the right analog stick, although it is common for the game to abruptly change the view based on the robot’s position. This causes unneeded complexity and keeps you from concentrating on the game. It’s also a shame that the adventure is only a few hours long. The game environment is the same every time, with the only variable being the arrangement of the starter plant’s shoots. It may take a bit longer to discover all of the gems, but there is no sense in returning to the game after that. Fortunately, the launch pricing appears to be appropriate for the content.

The setting’s cartoonish and pleasant design, along with the amusingly bumbling hero, soon wins the heart, and progressing through the levels and exploring hidden caves is pure pleasure. The game does not have a complex narrative or gameplay principles, but it is just a lot of fun.

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