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Diluvion Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Diluvion appears to be a fascinating game on paper – the notion of exploring the underwater world in a steampunk submarine sounds like a dream come true that we didn’t believe was feasible. Unfortunately, the fascinating idea does not match reality, and the undersea voyage appears more like an MMO game than a Verne novel.

The narrative is another take on the post-apocalyptic – when the earth froze, humanity sought sanctuary in the depths of the oceans, which they navigate on wooden and metal boats. The most important resources are oxygen and food, and the survivors reside in a variety of locations, including capsules suspended under the ice dome and old shipwrecks and submerged towns. The universe appears rich and exciting at first sight, but the developers did not take the effort to portray it completely. The information on the groups that occupy the three areas we will travel through is sketchy, as are work descriptions and chats with crew members. This is most apparent while performing missions – the quest givers urge us to sail there, frequently without providing any directions. Instead of a detailed description, we receive a signpost in the shape of a school of goldfish that guides us from one aim to the next. The majority of missions are a collecting game, with 10 engine pieces or twenty hull fragments to gather. It’s not very interesting.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

As a result, the developers pull us through three vast regions, where we initially hunt aimlessly for vital spots and supplies before fleeing after killing the boss protecting the area. Looking at Diluvion, it’s difficult not to conclude that a worldwide calamity and a reduction in temperature not only drove humans underwater, but also destroyed everything that had previously resided there. Yes, essential story areas are full of vivid and exciting features, but we will have to go through a dull, greenish environment with no sign of life or anything visible. The ship’s speed adds to the irritation of seeing these dull segments of the vast undersea cruise. The boat scarcely moves as we pass through uninhabited places, and the lack of anything to keep our attention makes us want to take a break from the computer for the duration of our journey. The environment is divided into two parts: a three-dimensional underwater world and two-dimensional interiors. However, pastel colors and fine craftsmanship cannot hide the reality that the authors continually exhibiting the same character models and buildings. Exploring each ship or facility boils down to moving the mouse about the screen in search of interactive items and individuals who may or may not have something to say, which occurs only on rare occasions.

A really fantastic music saves the issue somewhat, portraying the game in a way that is difficult for Diluvion’s graphic side, even at the best, most colorful moments. The soundtrack brings the underwater environment to life during exploration and serves as an excellent backdrop for clashes with pirates and marauders. The mechanical aspect of the gameplay was overlooked. As the submarine grows and improves, we can add more crew and better weapons, but the changes caused by assigning additional sailors to the sonar or torpedo compartment amount to a ten to twenty percent increase in efficiency, which is difficult to notice during the game. We won’t have to worry about it if we make sure our crew has enough food and ammo for the deck guns. The business element of the game is similar – we gain riches by finding abandoned research sites and wrecks, the majority of which are scrap for sale. We sell our things rapidly and don’t care about the prices because they are typically the same everywhere. Combat is important – fights with other troops and giant monsters are the major activity while traveling across the ocean. Fights with regular submarines frequently boil down to trying to outmaneuver the opponent so that he can’t shoot while striking him with the deck guns.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Despite the control issues and the fact that underwater combat are entertaining, especially when we witness our torpedo collide with the opposing hull. This joy, however, is fleeting because rockets are a rare commodity and confrontations with pirates are always the same, regardless of the size of the opposing machines. Boss confrontations are a little different in that they need precise movement and the continual eradication of particular susceptible places on the enemy’s body. The first foe, a crab carrying the Yamato ship on its back and attacking us with its onboard cannons and torpedo launchers, looks magnificent and offers a significant challenge. It’s a shame that his arrival makes no sense in terms of the storyline.

Diluvion is a game that should delight in theory. Unfortunately, the level of execution falls short of the excellent idea. Long hours of crossing monotonous waters in search of tedious, collecting activities drown out a wonderful music and some fascinating moments.

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