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Absolver Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Absolver is a fantastic game, but it will not appeal to everyone. Those who aren’t patient will be tossed out within an hour or two, but those who stick it out will be introduced to the astonishing complexity of the wonderful battle system.

Battles are the game’s greatest and most memorable feature. The essentials are comparable to For Honor’s approach, but creators from the Sloclap studio provide something far more comprehensive and providing consumers more options. The battles look excellent as well, especially after some practice. We like a show that combines aspects of several combat disciplines. When we are confronted with an adversary, we utilize the button to focus on the target. Then we can block punches, evade in four directions, and deal mild and heavy blows. All impacts sound fantastic, and the conflicts are backed by satisfying sound design.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The existence of four postures from which we might choose provides richness. They also alter – each punch or kick in the game results in the hero being positioned in a different position. In addition, we have the option of creating our own combinations from numerous strikes. As a consequence, we have an interesting system that promotes combination and experimentation and allows you to substantially vary your combat style – and for that reason alone, you should consider Absolver. However, there is no assurance that the game will not frustrate us until we have mastered all of its complexities. After starting the game for the first time, perseverance is required. In this regard, the experience is similar to the Dark Souls series, in which we learn everything on our own. However, the games from From Software provide an intriguing setting, engaging NPCs with their own tales, and a wide range of opponents. Absolver falls short in this sense, making exploration less than thrilling. The magnificent vistas, thankfully, remain – the authors present soothing, pastel designs that complement the strange settings.

The overall purpose of walking through following places – which are not particularly vast but carefully constructed to appear larger – is to beat critical foes in order to uncover the route leading to the final boss. Following the final victory, we may continue to play to grow the hero and, if desired, replay the most critical fights at a higher difficulty level. It takes around 5 hours to get to the final, and if we don’t want to repeat the major bouts, we may focus on competing with other players. PvP is the most crucial aspect of Absolver. If we dislike this element and plan to play the game alone for an extended period of time, we will most likely be disappointed. Fights with aliens are more intriguing and engaging than battles with machines. Especially “1 on 1” in the arena, where we don’t have to worry about anyone bothering us. Our level, equipment, and statistics definitely important, therefore it is impossible to focus entirely on competing other players.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

It is also worth mentioning that during the journey, we will occasionally be frustrated by situations in which we must battle three or four opponents at once. One opponent is ideal, but two is inconvenient, therefore a bigger number of opponents results in an unpleasant gameplay experience. Fighting in a group is counterintuitive and frequently irritating.

Absolver combines a fantastic fighting system with a lovely pastel background, yet it also has times of repetition and irritation. After completing a brief quest that leaves them slightly disappointed, the game can only be suggested to people who prefer to focus on duels with other players.

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