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Sword of the Stars The Pit Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Despite the secondary, unrevealing situation, certain games may be highly entertaining. Sword of the Stars: The Pit is one such game, in which we investigate the mysteries of a dark alien facility in order to save the world from an illness known as Xombies, which converts people into space zombies.

The Pit is a sequel to the tactical Sword of the Stars series, in which our fleet captured new star systems. This time, we’re just dealing with one planet, or rather a little portion of it hidden behind a mountain range. The Pit is a representative of the roguelike cRPG subgenre, in which battle takes place in turns and character death compels us to restart from the beginning.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

We die frequently and in many ways. If we aren’t devoured by the creatures lurking around every corner, we can always depend on a terminal, trap, or poison bursting when we are repairing anything. Even if we survive the attacks of members of the local wildlife, we still have a need that cannot always be satiated. Except for the basic character statistics, all game aspects are produced at random. Each time we explore the depths of the alien facility, we come across a fresh combination of chambers and foes, as well as varied equipment. The Pit is a resource-constrained game in which our character is constantly missing something. Sometimes we go around like Christmas trees, armed with weapons for which we have no ammo, and other times we stuff our opponent with lead but have nothing to eat.

Thanks to the item creation mechanism, we can fill some of the gaps by combining materials acquired along the route. If the combination yields useful results, it is saved in the computer guidance. Terminals distributed around the base with coded signals aid in the discovery of recipes. Deciphering them is rarely successful, allowing us to guess which elements to mix. We gain fresh information with each effort, learning which opponents we can attack with a knife or machete and which require lead feed. Just when we believe we’re prepared for anything, another unpredictability enters the picture. While playing, we come across many colored upgrades. In contrast to other objects, their attributes are produced at random each time. We never know if they will be beneficial or detrimental in this manner. Traps installed in certain doors function similarly, but we always check these using the “tough guy” technique, crossing the threshold with a song on our lips and a fervent hope that nothing explodes in our face.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

You can pick between three characters in The Pit. A highly armed soldier, so tough that he won’t let go of his lighted cigarette. A scout who swiftly picks up new abilities. And a black engineer, who uses self-defense to eliminate swarms of opponents. Representatives of numerous more or less clever species, as well as robotic complicated guardians, will stand in the road of glory. Every opponent acts differently. Female aliens and wild humans, for example, will occasionally not respond to attacks, only to attack a perfectly innocent refrigerator or other opponent a second later, and little repair robots will flee if we significantly harm them. The sound design is excellent – while the music is composed of basic tunes that swiftly fade into the background, we can identify each monster by the sound it produces. Knowing what’s around the corner can frequently save your life.

The Pit is one of the most well-crafted roguelikes I’ve ever played. The opportunity to select from three classes adds some diversity to the game, which is enjoyable to play repeatedly. When our hero uses a knife to kill one adversary, a gun to kill another, and a fragmentation grenade to hurt three more, the turns become more dynamic. There is an abundance of feelings.

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