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Crysis 3 Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The Crysis series has never aspired to games that are ambitious in plot or creative in level design. It leaned toward a merely fun, dependable, big-budget production. This path was not deviated from in Crysis 3. It maintained the series’ image as graphically spectacular but lackluster in terms of storyline, while giving a somewhat compelling, albeit brief, single-player campaign. The whole affair is enhanced by a robust online mode that employs all tried and true competitive strategies.

The action takes place in the year 2047. The Prophet spent 20 years locked in a nanosuit in a unique cryogenic room in one of the secret C.E.L.L. units. From there, he is initially saved by Psycho, who has aged greatly over this period and has joined a small group of individuals creating the resistance organization. New York has devolved into a post-apocalyptic jungle metropolis, and mankind as a whole is in jeopardy due to massive amounts of resources utilized by the Cepids to conquer successive galaxies beneath the city. C.E.L.L. has built a unique protective dome over the city, and it is here that the heroes will travel to stop the menace. If you haven’t played the prior games, it’s recommended viewing the welcome movie from the menu, which summarizes the main events. You’ll discover who the Prophet is and what’s at stake. The single-player narrative campaign takes less than six hours to complete. Is it a large amount or a little amount? It’s basically today’s awful standard when it comes to shooting games. I’m curious how many times I sat on the edge of my seat, filled with emotions. Maybe twice, maybe three times? The rest of the time, I rushed forward like a battering ram or followed my opponents from cover to deliver a lethal blow. I proceeded in the same manner as in the last game, accomplishing the entire main and side tasks. Finally, the last level severely disappointed me, demonstrating that the creators lacked drive, excitement, and ambition. Even the nicest conclusion might be ruined by a tangle of needless and uninteresting tunnels that appear negative in comparison to the other stages.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

I watched the tale exploits of the characters, which resembled a serial series, without feeling. There is a lot of discussion but not much action. Furthermore, it is impossible to relate with the primary character, the Prophet, because his goal is beyond our comprehension. The minor characters are well-defined, yet they lack any psychological depth. Sure, it’s a shooter and an action game, but the crap about humanity or its lack of it doesn’t hold my interest. The script’s writers attempted to join and disconnect numerous threads, but it did not work out. The opportunity to take one of numerous potential ways to the objective is still appealing in the single-player campaign. The concept from the previous section was expanded upon in this section. Because there are so many adversaries on the levels, action planning transforms a standard shooter into a stealth game. Despite the apparent changes, Crysis 3 is evocative of Splinter Cell: Conviction in certain ways. I took a detour through neighboring canals in one of the cities heavily fortified by C.E.L.L. forces. I passed the minefield, hacked the turret, and then finished the remainder of the devastation in secrecy.

There are more spectacular moments like these throughout the game, and alternate pathways may occasionally lead to places as incredible as a canyon dug into the heart of Manhattan. This component of the game is appealing due to the diversity and flexibility it provides. Crysis 3 has been meticulously planned in terms of weapons, which should come as no surprise. The arsenal is adaptable, and the equipment may be upgraded in a variety of ways. We can attach silencers, sniper scopes, laser pointers, sights, and anything else military art has in store almost instantly and very conveniently. Each alteration impacts the rifle’s properties, such as accuracy, reload speed, range, and spread, in addition to its appearance. There is also a futuristic Cepid weapon that wreaks devastation and makes it clear who is the hero and who is cannon fodder. The bow is a terrific toy with a lot of hitting power; it does not disable camouflage and may be loaded with a variety of arrows. I discreetly blasted explosive bolts at my opponents, shredding large groups of unfortunates to pieces, with the zeal of a predator. However, because ammo is rare, you must conserve a lot of it. Fortunately, arrows may be removed from the bodies of the fallen once they have been used. The Typhoon is a heavy cannon with great destructive capability, created with 10 barrels, and firing out bullets at the speed of a Formula One car. Although noble and lovely, I prefer more intelligent surprise actions. The nanosuit from the previous installments has changed. Sprinting no longer uses energy, and improvements are chosen in a slightly different way. They are arranged in a square with a four-field foundation, and only four modules may be utilized at once. However, because it is impossible to mix everything with everything, the number of viable combinations is restricted by the system’s assumptions. We have three predetermined “fours” that may be altered at any time throughout the game. Individual enhancements may be improved, gradually increasing their potency. The system has changed significantly since the second edition, but it remains extremely versatile and, most importantly, it works effectively in practice.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Concerns have been raised about artificial intelligence algorithms. Both the C.E.L.L. warriors and the Cepids are dim. They do not retreat, nor do they seek out advantageous fire positions; instead, they move ahead and proceed to the location where I was spotted. It is relatively simple to approach them from behind, but the main drawback is the weird “suspensions” of their intellect. Several times, I came across a beast that, while being within bullet range of me, just stood there doing nothing. Enemies are similarly unaware of traces in the water left by a character in camouflage mode. Players who are more demanding should start at the highest difficulty level. It won’t change brainless adversaries into clever troops, but it will give you a little extra adrenaline. New York appears to be spectacular. In the destroyed houses, vegetation has established a permanent home. Branches of massive trees growing within former houses and businesses protrude through the windows. There is a lot of waste and unneeded debris all over the place. Rusted automobile wrecks litter the streets, while in the sky, a tangle of metal wires and cables creates a dome that spans the whole city. Because it’s difficult to see the opponent in the dense grass, you must jump on the rooftops of subway trains with trepidation. The graphics in Crysis 3 surely create a beautiful mood, but it’s a shame that the authors didn’t use the aesthetics as a foundation to construct an even more engaging game. Too frequently, we are subjected to dull, non-interactive animations created in the engine. In one scenario, the Prophet and the Psycho are dashing through enemy fortifications at breakneck speed in a driving wagon. It necessitates a novel button sequence or possibly the option to blast from a stationary cannon. A good animation stays merely a video since it is impossible to have enjoyment without involvement. You may also drive automobiles; some are tolerable, while others exhibit weird driving dynamics. Vehicles appear to have been compelled to appear here.

While the second part of Crysis deviated from the original’s design, Crysis 3 treads familiar ground. Using all of its knowledge and remaining current with current trends, the German team delivered a strong, fascinating game that, although expanding the frontiers of the franchise and the whole shooter genre, only marginally.

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