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Dead Island Riptide Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Dead Island: Riptide is easily discouraging. Not because the game is identical to the first installment. This is the type of title that lacks a clear goal, focusing on certain components at the expense of less important themes. However, it remains appealing and, above all, entertaining.

Fantastic, fascinating moments happen somewhere in the middle of the game when we outfit our hero with trustworthy equipment. I felt like a dark ninja, transforming under the influence of mutagents, yearning to defend the world from a scary swarm of zombies as I navigated wonderfully designed, secret dungeons, striking adversaries with a heavily modified sword. A split second later, it was the narrative, the faults in game mechanics, and the writers’ attempt to pack everything into one project that brought my imagination to a halt. lifeless Island: Riptide can only be a fun hack, a machine of devastation for dozens and hundreds of zombie foes, whom we dismember in various ways with wrenches, spades, axes, and sticks, trampling on their lifeless skulls with heavy boots.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The game starts where the first section ends. We don’t need to be familiar with Dead Island to grasp the complexities of the narrative. The ship carrying the stranded heroes crashes off the shore of Palanai Island. It’s obvious: it’s full with horrifyingly shrieking zombie beings eager for our blood and flesh. We are one of the heroes, having previously picked one of the renowned four characters or taking on the part of a new guy, John Morgan. We swiftly arrive at the survivors’ camp, where we hear that the only way to get off the island is to cross to the other side, to Henderson. We must find our path, which will not be simple because there are hazardous groups of zombies nearby, and the island also harbors various nefarious characters. The tale isn’t particularly smart, but it holds the game together and encourages you to play. The primary narrative is linear, and we progress along a string as we complete consecutive tasks until we reach the big climax. Nothing, however, prevents you from having fun in the region, collecting vital experience and equipment, and growing as a person. We may accomplish this by conversing with secondary individuals in the camp and completing various chores for them. The majority of them are “pass and sweep,” thus we bring canned items, lighters, and wires to customers. There are also somewhat more difficult items that need a longer travel and a greater battling effort. However, because the game is mostly dependent on personal growth, we must carry these canned items if we wish to proceed far into the game’s latter levels. After a bright start, the first two hours are dull and disheartening, and you must remain patient. You should gather as much soap and jam as you can, as well as bits of meat hidden in computers distributed over the tourist island, steel concealed in baskets, and, of course, all types of weaponry, little and huge. We sell all of this in infinite amounts in the camp because a trader is a trader and must earn money no matter what. We repair and alter equipment in workshops for money, and we spend experience points in relevant talents. As you can see, Riptide is a carbon replica of the previous Dead Island, complete with the same benefits and downsides. Of course, there are some alterations, new aspects, and intriguing locations that may appeal in terms of design. But, in the end, it all boils down to battling. It is the essence of the game and continues to be highly thrilling. However, unlike its two-year-old sibling, the landscape and plot are presented in a far more appealing manner, encouraging you to explore the mysteries of the island, particularly in single-player mode. All of the game’s innovations have contributed to the game’s surprisingly successful playability. Weapons degrade considerably more slowly, allowing us to amass our favorite gear and enjoy explore the numerous nooks and crannies of the forest, subterranean, and built-up places. My trusty arsenal of weapons – a magnificent katana, a reinforced axe, a stick with blades on both ends, a machine gun, a shotgun, Molotov cocktails, and mines – transformed me into a cruel murderer. I’ve finally stopped acting like a hero who has to constantly grab meat tenderizers, knives, and baseball bats.

The sections on when you should defend the camp are very fascinating. The entire gang transfers to various locations as the narrative proceeds, which are eventually invaded by hordes of zombies. The camp must be secured ahead of time. So we build up a net that comes out of nowhere in the middle of the jungle, or we install seized machine guns or gas cylinders in strategic locations – after all, nothing beats a nice explosion in the middle of a battlefield. Traditionally, there is a lot of conventionality in Techland’s game, which forces us to ignore the world’s faults and oddities. This is difficult to take when, upon returning to the camp, we notice a knife lodged in the counter and a Molotov in the exact same location; when, at critical periods, the chests are full with limitless supplies and the boxes are full of fresh fruit. When we return to the location, we notice suitcases full of thousands of dollars, which the merchant standing five meters away is sharpening his teeth on. He is not an anonymous figure, but a hero who participates in the tale. The island’s openness, with the ability to drive a car and – new here – sail by boat, as well as quick travel locations, stimulates entertaining exploits. Throughout the excursion, we come across caverns and lonely hamlet pieces, labs, and other intriguing locations worth seeing. Unfortunately, the most of them appear to be identical. We will come across residents who are in need of assistance from time to time. Of course, our decision has no bearing on the outcome of the game. As a result, we may abandon the assaulted woman in the midst of the woods. The game is more difficult than its predecessor, which is a significant benefit. Combination fighting with rapid weapon changes and ranged combat is a lot of fun, and the flying hands, skulls, and blood still send shivers down your spine. One want more and better. Over time, I realized I was playing with the adversary – a few katana slashes, a fast shot with a shotgun, escaping, throwing a cocktail, planting a mine. However, it’s tough not to get the feeling I expressed earlier – a lack of focus on certain parts and honing them to perfection. Zombie models, for example, are still made up of only a few body components. What if you could dance with your opponent, cutting him from the hand, through the elbow, through the foot, through the knee, to the very center, just as in Dead Space? What if you could blast a zombie’s leg off and then use your sword to sever its neck? But that’s not a problem since you can always play with a friend – over the Internet, of course. In cooperative play mode, the game automatically looks for people with comparable experience levels and plot stages and allows you to join forces with a random shovel owner. Unfortunately, because this approach is random, we never know if we will be joined by someone with a completely different purpose in the game, or by someone with whom we can really make our journey across the island together. We can always play with a genuine friend, and then the two of us will have much more fun.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The game looks fantastic, but Techland’s proprietary engine is still untrustworthy. Decreases in animation smoothness are rather common and can be aggravating, especially when they occur even when settings are set well below the computer’s capability. The designers still made blunders, such as piercing textures, people bouncing strange on the water, and creatures that don’t fit in the door frame – but these aren’t major issues that prevent you from enjoying the game. The acting didn’t get much better. Given the circumstances that may occur, the characters seem incredibly strange, and at times plain hilarious. Dead Island: Riptide is still a fantastic game. After a shaky start, the adventure gets up halfway through, and I was glad to be immersed in this imperfect yet interesting universe. I set about doing minor jobs and exploring the island, fighting my way through dozens of enemies. I died and tried again until my hero became an unstoppable hunter, an incredible assassin, and a contemporary ninja – all in my mind, since on the screen we only see a big jumble with a bad screenplay and bad language. In any case, I enjoyed it. And the premiere box is reasonably priced.

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