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Night Of The Rabbit Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The Night of the Rabbit is a wonderful, though not without flaws, fairy tale adventure. However, don’t be deceived by its fairy-tale designs, which may lead you to believe that this is a product for youngsters. It’s a typical example of a “point and click” adventure game, in which we point the mouse at a location on the screen and then click to have the hero complete the necessary action.

Jerry Hazelnut, a 12-year-old kid, lives with his mother in a modest home. Two days before the holidays finish, the hero receives a mysterious letter with an unexpected mission to do. Jerry proceeds to the neighboring woodland, where, after achieving all of the tasks on the list, a human-sized rabbit emerges in front of him and announces himself as the Marquis de Hoto. The mystery visitor shrinks the youngster and transports him to Mysibór, a mystical animal kingdom. The quest alludes to famous works such as “Alice in Wonderland” from the start. The Marquis himself, the counterpart of Lewis Carroll’s White Rabbit, is the clearest example of this. Mysibór, on the other hand, resembles conventional human cities while being set in a forest. A gate patrolled by soldiers stands in front of the entry, and within are the town hall and a cafe, among other things. Mysibór is home to a variety of animals and creatures, ranging from mice to owls and frogs to elves and dwarfs. Unfortunately, while the plot itself becomes increasingly intriguing by the minute, the individuals who emerge in it leave you slightly disappointed. Perhaps it’s because of the fairy tale norm, but they’re lifeless and, with a few exceptions, clichéd.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The visual aspect, on the other hand, is fantastic. The quantity of details and the manner they are created in two-dimensional environments and people delight. We turn the pages of a wonderfully drawn fairy tale because of the fantastic, cartoonish images. Huge trees with spreading branches are stunning, and sunrises in the countryside with Jerry’s mother hanging out the laundry leave an indelible image. The English-speaking performers that dubbed individual characters did an excellent job. When conversing with an owl who speaks slowly and in a low voice, you may sense its poise. In turn, the shrieking elf who persecutes the hero can irritate the hero with the way he speaks, which perfectly suits his evil personality. The prepared problems are of a reasonable, consistent difficulty level. Some of the answers are unusual at first look, but when you think about them, they all make sense. There is no shortage of ways to acquire goods, combine them, or use one thing on another. Classical puzzles, so common in games like Myst but also seen in point and click games, were almost entirely absent. However, the hint mechanism is inadequate. While utilizing the magic coin to indicate significant locations on the screen and products works effectively, the instructions supplied are so laconic and broad that they serve no use. So, if you get stranded anywhere, you just have yourself to rely on. Among the game’s intriguing aspects is the book, which lets you to switch between day and night mode at any moment. This is significant not just visually, but also in terms of gameplay. Certain items and puzzles are available at various periods throughout the day. The writers have also prepared a card game (Quartet) and a slew of treasures in the shape of stickers, dew droplets, and, most intriguingly, literary fragments. The latter features are uncommon in adventure games, and collecting them all will be a task for anybody who enjoys exploring.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The Night of the Rabbit is a competent title that is unlikely to go down as a genre classic, but it will give hours of entertainment for any fan of adventure games and fairy tale settings.

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