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Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The breadth and intriguing storyline of Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag are punctuated with unexpected plot twists. The mood of the 18th century pirate Caribbean was conveyed in a superb setting. Hold on tight for the storm is approaching.

The boat is tossed from side to side by the agitated seas of the ocean. When an enemy British ship approaches on the horizon, strong winds push us onto the rocks. In this circumstance, we meet Edward Kenway, a new hero in the saga of righteous assassins and wicked Templars. Father Haytham and grandfather Connor are the last installment’s heroes. The events preceding those known from the last episode of the series are thrust upon us in Black Flag. We begin the game in 1715, and by chance, our paths will collide with a mystery assassin. We soon went out to find the Observatory, the temple of the Forerunners, after donning his attire. Surprisingly compelling was the arduous task of disrupting the sequence of events. It is impossible to deny that the poorest components of the previous Assassin were the game’s most essential characters, Connor and Desmond. Their lack of charm was so noticeable that brilliant side characters like Achilles and Haytham sprang forward. However, this time we have a real-life guy. Good at heart, yet desperate for adventure and money. Edward is definitely drawn to the sea and the battlefield. It’s comforting to know he’s not a one-dimensional, black-and-white hero. Unlike Connor, he begins to doubt his own choices and the course he has chosen as time passes. It is worth observing the similarities between Edward and Haytham: unmistakable drive and tenacity in pursuit of the objective.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Although Edward says many wonderful but clichéd statements like freedom and the desire to grow rich in order to create a good life for his family at the start of the game, the ideals vanish midway along the game, flowing into a sea of spilt blood. Meanwhile, the hero experiences new emotions after meeting genuine assassins and gradually uncovering their secrets. While playing AC4, you get the idea that the authors listened to player feedback on the last entry of the series. They came to the correct conclusions and built the game that many of us wished for. They even went one step farther. Each task can be graded on a five-point scale. This will help developers to learn more about the sorts of activities that gamers choose. The levels in AC3 where we took control of the ship were quite popular, therefore in AC4 this feature was enlarged and pushed to the forefront. For the first time in the series’ history, the majority of the game world is the ocean rather than the continent. As a result, we spend the most of our time aboard our own ship, Jackdaw. Because the ship is not sturdy enough at the start of the game, we can only compete with the smallest opponent units. As we go, we spend money not just on upgrading the main character’s equipment, but also on fortifications and increasing the ship’s look. New cannons, a more sturdy bow, and stylish red-striped sails. There are several options available. It is important to note that gold coins are not required. Looted items like textiles, metal, and wood will also be helpful. We are thrilled because navigating the ship is much easier and more enjoyable than in “three.” This is significant since the Caribbean Sea has many dangerous shoals and rocks that are simple to collide with. The ship has been damaged as a consequence of the accident, but it will still be acceptable for future journey.

The principal opponents of Edward and his comrades on land and sea are the Spanish and the British, who are subsequently joined by the Portuguese. Unfortunately, they are identical save for their clothes and flags. If we choose to live the life of a privateer, we can raid merchant ships by stealing the products they convey, shoot at powerful navy units, or target convoys carrying large quantities of money. We occasionally come across floating survivors while sailing “along the way,” whom we can rescue and include into the Jackdaw crew. We can entirely sink opposing ships, collecting the remains of the drifting commodities, or seriously injure them enough to render them immobile. We approach Jackdaw and embark with a forceful leap, accompanied by the sailors. The action then shifts to a foreign ship, where we must deal with the opposing crew. When we have killed the majority of the adversaries, the remainder will surrender, and the whole cargo of the ship will fall into Edward’s hands. It is worth emphasizing that it is entirely up to us whether we will play the part of a pirate instilling dread on the seas and becoming a renowned privateer. Surprisingly, we meet several of history’s most renowned pirates during the game. So, along with Charles Vane and the flamboyant Blackbeard, we embark on a series of high-speed missions laced with powerful rum and insults aimed at King George. In AC4, our adversary also appears as the governor of the Bahamas, Woodes Rogers, a well-known murderer of Caribbean pirates. The supporting characters in Black Flag were expertly picked. The pirates are as funny as they are cruel, and their tremendous discussions are as dramatic as the countless duels in which they participate.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The user can switch off the Animus at any moment and explore the organization, learning about its mysteries. We will discover several e-mails revealing various secrets not just about Black Flag, but also its predecessors, by hacking into coworkers’ computers. And the developing fascination with a specific IT department specialist who allows us to access other people’s computers just adds color to the plot. Without giving too much away about the narrative, I can promise you that the game’s current setting does not detract from its enjoyment. The degree of difficulty appears to be slightly higher than in the previous edition. However, the foes do not represent a danger on their own. They are only hazardous in huge groups. In this regard, the game is extremely approachable, with a clear emphasis on the gruesome annihilation of foes. Particularly noteworthy considering Edward, a new character in Assassins, can wield two swords at the same time and carry up to four pistols. Despite this, we will be assigned a surprising number of standard stealth jobs. Much more than in previous sections. Crocodiles hiding in the marshes or panthers lying amongst the trees can potentially expose our whereabouts. This enables you to easily maintain the game’s pace. Side quests are also enjoyable. From escorting important individuals to hired killings to dealing with opposing ships, there is something for everyone. It’s fun to go hunting for wild creatures. We utilize the skins, bones, and tusks we collect to upgrade Edward’s equipment. It is important to pay attention to hunting, whales, and sharks. We chase the animal in a boat, hurling harpoons at it. It appears to be really severe. We may also attack British and Spanish forts or go treasure hunting at the sea’s bottom. And so much more. After finishing the main plot, which can take up to twenty hours to complete, there is something to do.

Other times, we are hit by a hurricane that destroys the sails or creates a massive wave that takes sailors overboard. The yelling of crew members emanating from the loudspeakers, on the other hand, creates a pirate atmosphere. We hear commands being made and concerns about the urgency with which they must be carried out. Huge waves breaking against the ship, a gathering storm, and sea shanties playing in the background. It is impossible to deny that the third installment of Assassin’s Creed suffered from various technological issues. The new, if plainly undeveloped, AnvilNext engine performed several tricks, and the Internet was swamped with amusing videos depicting horses trotting in place or dead warriors floating in the air. There were several mistakes, but just one update corrected the situation. It’s even better that Black Flag is a far more polished creation, as any game available for sale should be. I only encountered a few instances where the game went nuts, loading wrong animations of side characters or displaying troops shooting themselves in the back instead of Edward. I didn’t anticipate much from the fourth installment of Assassin’s Creed, let alone for it to become my favorite, comfortably vying with the iconic second installment. But nonetheless. In practically every way, Black Flag is a sophisticated production. Ubisoft removed extraneous gameplay aspects and changed several components, from the game menu to important features like exciting side quests. The game is a wonderful blend of the series’ biggest achievements, as well as outstanding solutions from the year’s most popular blockbuster, Far Cry 3.

Edward’s colorful character makes a great recommendation for Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag, so its worth the money!

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