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The Fall Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The project from John Warner studio is defined by dark aesthetics, troublesome controls, and an interesting storyline. The Kickstarter-funded game, while not without issues, draws attention to the screen.

We take on the role of ARID, an artificial intelligence that communicates with a computer using a feminine voice. Surprisingly, she assumes command of a futuristic military suit containing an unconscious and severely injured pilot. He was injured in an accident that occurred in the opening few minutes of the game. Artificial intelligence will now make every attempt to keep people alive. The realization that human life is in the hands of powerful, intelligent technology fills us with optimism, not dread. ARID’s behavior, as well as the tale conveyed, will frequently surprise and make you ponder. The Fall’s strongest suit is its writing.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Over The Moon studio’s output is a mash-up of numerous genres. It contains many aspects familiar from two-dimensional platformers such as Metroid, although it is more of an adventure game with occasional shooting. The Fall is an adult narrative set in a never-ending darkness. From there, we utilize the light of a flashlight to extract information about the world around us. The pace is leisurely, and we concentrate on studying our surroundings. We uncover secret aspects, read messages and instructions, collect stuff, and figure out what and where to utilize to advance the game. As we develop, we have access to new suit functions, such as camouflage. Some suspicions may be created by the fact that we ignore numerous vital variables, unaware that they are critical to advancing the game ahead. At least until we point a flashlight or a bullet in a certain direction. The game makes no indication that the wire hanging in the backdrop is one of several, but that it is the one that will open the elevator.

The game is full with logical puzzles, many of which are fairly difficult to solve yet are simple enough to solve after some thought. Although The Fall includes a few times where we feel helpless and unsure of where to go next, the game is not irritating. It does, however, reward diligent players who discover items that will be important later in the game while scouring the corridors. The visual aspect is pretty appealing. The graphics don’t blow you away or astound you, but they also don’t distract you. Over The Moon appears to be influenced by Limbo and The Swapper. Gloomy hues, darkness all around, with fluorescent bulbs shining here and there. This provides a distinct, minimalist mood reminiscent of vintage science-fiction films before the green screen period. Worse is the hobbling motion, which is most noticeable when ARID takes quick maneuvers, spinning around in a split second, like in games from the 1990s. Many people protest to the unintuitive character control, which requires us to hit multiple keys virtually simultaneously. In certain locations, the controls are broken and do not behave as intended. Although, if played on a console, The Fall shuts off the controller at unexpected times and switches to the mouse and keyboard. This destroys the enjoyment and disturbs the game’s tempo.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The Fall’s first episode, which lasts around three hours, immerses us in an exciting universe with exceptional people and a plot. It’s a shame that certain bad gameplay solutions and control issues detract from the game’s reception. Nonetheless, if Over The Moon learns from its flaws, the second episode may be a pleasant surprise.

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