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The Division Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

In the case of The Division, the mix of single-player development and MMO works effectively. Elements that have been criticized in previous Ubisoft open world games just work here. The boredom is hidden by performing repetitive chores in a group. Even the most mundane chores may be made enjoyable by working together.

The creators were successful in creating an intriguing tale. The reality of Central New York, the epicenter of the worldwide pandemic, is horrifying. Without police and administrative organizations, chaos filled the streets, leaving residents vulnerable. We oversee the acts of a member of a government-mandated unit that serves as the last line of defense for fearful civilians. Members of the titular organization report to no one and have the most power among the remnants of the court system. Only they have the ability to preserve what is left of Manhattan. MMO games seldom make us feel like we’re a part of the universe they’ve built. In this situation, the game deviates from the usual. The style of story, continual radio connection with NPCs, and objectives that are strongly tied to the world around us allow us to find our way here with little difficulty. Deepening the story with uncovered tapes, recordings, and phone calls successfully captures the grim tone and engages. This is one of those games where, even in a group of friends, when we face a fresh echo, an interactive retrospection of events, everyone becomes silent.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The setting appears to be so fascinating that we are dissatisfied even after finishing the main plot quests. The designers must now continually extend the provided tale in order to keep the recipient’s interest. This is conspicuously absent. The game’s fundamental axis is exploration, shooting from a third-person perspective, and continually improving the accumulated equipment. These features deliver the anticipated joy, but they are not without downsides. Because there are no fixed frameworks separating players into classes with various talents, there is significant flexibility and the ability to change roles in the team virtually quickly. This is a really successful method, and we are continually experimenting and playing with character setup as a result of it. As our base grows, we gain abilities, passive benefits, and talents. We employ the raw resources gathered during missions to develop the headquarters’ succeeding sectors. This improves not just the range of talents, but also the facility’s functionality. New merchants, equipment modification points, and caches occur throughout time, allowing us to grab random stuff every few hours. However, we often unlock specific talents too fast, which can lead to a loss of drive to continue developing the character. The long-awaited benefits have arrived, and we quickly understand that the only thing left to do is gather more formidable weapons and armor.

Solo exploring is enjoyable in the early stages of the game. However, with time, we face a certain recurrence of random happenings, which may appear unappealing in the absence of diverting partners. The attractive and architecturally different city is full with folks speaking the same things, and opponents who are identical and rather predictable. There are also very few open structures in this area. It may be imagined that examining one block and the adjacent tenement dwellings would take many hours in such a large location. This aspect is a failure. When we discover a house or store to enter, it will most likely be a replica of another one we’ve seen before. Another disadvantage is the restricted quantity of NPC lines. After a few minutes of moaning, a civilian persistently sobbing next to the crafting table inhibits crafting. We hear looped lines numerous times while standing at the seller’s. After a while, we stop being curious and instead concentrate on gathering better weaponry, upgrading the operations center, and repeating missions at greater difficulty levels. Daily actions rapidly become mundane and serve merely to accumulate virtual money.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Exploring the Dark Zone provides diversity and excitement. Areas afflicted with the lethal virus serve as battlegrounds for gamers. The computer-controlled opponents that come here are considerably stronger and drop more precious things, but in order to grab them, we must first summon a chopper that will collect the loot and deliver it to the base. At the same time, any greedy player can turn against us, assault, and grab the loot we’ve gathered. Prudence and mistrust are constants at this phase of the game. As a result, the most surprising battles occur in the Dark Zones, successfully raising adrenaline. Reaching the greatest character level does not imply the end of growth, because the Dark Zone has its own experience system that we obtain by battling in confined regions. This is also one of the greatest spots to seek for the most powerful artifacts. Classic PvP modes are absent. The makers provided something unique with the Dark Zone, but it’s difficult to comprehend why they couldn’t also include various conventional settings for team fighting between agents and a rebel faction.

Those who do not like to take the perils of the Dark Zone can obtain the ultimate equipment at level 30 by completing daily tasks at the highest difficulty level. The process of collecting equipment is fairly slow, but you can have three buddies with you. In any case, the final tasks include repeating the same story missions over and again, which, despite engaging circumstances and very well-designed environments, becomes tedious after a while. There are currently no extra features in the final phase, such as raids in conventional MMO games. From a technological standpoint, the game still needs a lot of work. The movement model and cover mechanism have both failed. We sometimes fire towards cover instead of the opponent, we don’t respond quickly enough to threats, and we’re not very effective in hand-to-hand combat. This third feature necessitates modifications in particular since the opponent reacts to a strike with the buttocks like a mosquito bite. The UI can be unreadable in its modern and futuristic setting, the task direction indication might lead you wrong, and the minimap does not completely depict the distance to the indicated item. When we visit a multi-level map, we frequently don’t know which floor the box we’re looking for is on.

The production also suffers from the normal issues that plague new online games, such as connection issues, data transfer delays, and unexpected server outages. Errors occurred when joining a group, resulting in a lack of loaded environmental textures. These oversights, however, should be gradually addressed with later upgrades. Despite this, the time spent playing The Division goes fairly fast. The game is undeniably addicting, but without the companionship of friends and other agents, it rapidly becomes subpar.

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