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Perception Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Perception is a horror film starring a blind girl as the main character. Although such an intriguing notion has immense promise, putting it into action will undoubtedly be tough. The Deep End Games creators were not entirely successful.

Our character is blind, but we no longer have a comparable difficulty because we can see the contour of any adjacent things owing to echolocation. The sound of footfall causes us to highlight our immediate surroundings, while tapping the floor with a cane reveals a broader portion of the space. This is an intriguing option, but it significantly decreases Perception’s major distinctive trait. In actuality, we typically see more than if the game were set in a dark, badly lit dungeon. We won’t feel like blind people, but it’s difficult to blame the authors for that – that wasn’t likely their intention in the first place.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The game is a representative of horror games, commonly known as walking simulators. Apart from traveling around the strange estate, interacting with different things, and occasionally having to hide somewhere, that’s pretty much all. When the gameplay is so simple and straightforward, a story that will hook you from the start and keep you glued to the screen is required. Unfortunately, this was not present. Cassandra visits the mansion she sees in her nightmares in order to learn more about its mysteries and, in the process, her own suppressed memories. However, the plot’s growth is uninteresting, and several plot points may be guessed within the first hour. Cassie, the character we portray, is also an issue. She is not depicted well enough to make us care about her destiny, and the dilemma is exacerbated by her remarks on current events, which are occasionally sardonic and do not match the overall tone. Furthermore, horror movie actors conversing with each other nearly always get tiresome at some point.

The creators succeed in creating a terrifying mood at first, but it fades much too fast. The foes who arrive at some point are just impediments that do not pose a threat. The worst thing, however, is the monster that arises when we use echolocation too frequently – we frequently perish as a result of it. In principle, this is designed to deter excessive stick use, but in fact, it just slightly extends the game length and is unpleasant. The journey would benefit from fully eliminating the frustrating sense of being lost. Even when we know where we should go, finding the appropriate path is challenging. It’s evident that the developers intended to focus on telling the tale, so perhaps more linearity would be preferable. Despite the fact that the game ends after four hours, the entire affair would be relatively brief.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Perception provides distinct pictures, but the allure fades rapidly – and what remains isn’t very fascinating. Fans of the genre who want something unique in at least one way should definitely wait for the sale.

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