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Pid Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Kurt, a young child stuck on a hazardous planet full of bizarre machines and lethal traps, wanders relentlessly through chambers to find his way home. We keep a close eye on his movements. Not only are we charmed by the wonderful images, but we are also terrified to blink. A split second of inattention is all it takes for the young hero to die violently. Pid doesn’t spare the harsh taste of loss in a game that looks like sweets.

This game has the feel of a traditional platformer. However, the developers attempted to vary the gaming mechanics in step with current trends. The hero has the ability to throw crystals that produce anti-gravity ray beams. We float above the earth because of them. We may have two such beams operational at the same time, which allows us to move between them almost without touching the earth. The developers deliberately employed this dynamic while constructing the levels, so we will fly as frequently as we will sprint and leap. The concept is appealing, and the execution is so outstanding that we rapidly adapt to the new manner of movement. The first locales in the game appear to be quite intriguing. We’re starting to believe that we’re dealing with a game full of unique and well-thought-out puzzles, and the problems that the succeeding chambers throw at us will necessitate an increasing engagement of our gray cells. However, the game essentially discredits us as soon as we are satisfied that we have uncovered the platform successor to Portal. We are compelled to hop about the boards, the structure of which plainly indicates that Pid’s developers’ ingenuity was not adequate for long. It’s full of cliched concepts, formulaic duties, and ill-conceived solutions. We rapidly get the feeling that the authors did not have the time or the creativity to fill the excellent shape with similarly sophisticated information.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

The high level of difficulty in Pid is attributable to the production’s flaws rather than its inventiveness. When we run into the same monster, fall into the same abyss, or get trapped on the same spikes, we die 10 times. Each element does not represent a problem on its own, but they are presented in such a dense manner that it is just tough to traverse between them – especially because the arrangement of the platforms sometimes compels you to jump blindly. They appear to have been placed in this manner unintentionally rather than purposefully. Gadgets that boost the hero’s resistance to dangers are frequently accessible, although they are ineffective. Kurt dies quickly in practice, empowered or not. Despite the fact that the checkpoints are closely spaced, returning to the task’s starting for the twentieth time might successfully discourage you from playing the game. The threat of having to redo a level also discourages you from investigating the boards and discovering secret bonuses. Most of them are skillfully disguised, and finding them brings a lot of joy, but what good is it if all it takes is one wrong move to send us back to the checkpoint? Nobody wants to face the same challenges a second time. Especially since valuables aren’t frequently put on the path to our destination, and once we’ve collected them, we still have a million chances to die. On the one hand, the game allows you to experience the excitement of exploration, but on the other, it may cruelly penalize you for your urge to explore.

We will have to deal with a boss from time to time. These are well crafted and impressive in their size. The majority of them make Kurt appear like an unnoticed midget. Everyone has their own personality and methods of complicating our life. Big robots, on the other hand, have weak places that must be expertly exploited in order to beat them and continue the adventure. Unfortunately, the game’s most significant disadvantage also stands in the way: the requirement to properly timing all actions. The faultless execution of the inventors’ intended leap sequence while altering gravity seemed to be bordering on a miracle. Of course, practice makes perfect, and each Goliath is eventually destroyed. We may also play Pid together. That is, two individuals, locally, not remotely. Completing the boards jointly, on the other hand, may prove more challenging than going solo. It’s simple to accidently rain on one other’s parade. The appearance of the second figure and his extra gravity rays mostly adds to the mayhem on screen. Completing the game, which is challenging enough for one person on the usual difficulty level, becomes exceedingly difficult in multiplayer mode, and nearly impossible on the higher difficulty level.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Games that are exhausting rather than pleasant should be abandoned. Pid, on the other hand, has a plan that will save him from this destiny. This is the game’s incredible environment and mood. The visuals are of a quality that is rarely seen in independent games. The splendor of the exhibited universe will certainly move you! While playing, “The Little Prince”, “Limbo”, and great Japanese cartoons like “Spirited Away” and “Howl’s Moving Castle” spring to mind. Although full of nostalgia and danger, the planet to which fate has cast us will enchant you with its marvels. Pid, if polished, may become one of those independent games that have been discussed for years.

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