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Sleepwalker’s Journey Review

(Image from Amazon)

When we sleep, we leave the physical world and enter the realm of our imagination. We soar through the sky and sit on falling stars as we go across fairy-tale worlds endowed with magical abilities. Until we are startled awake by the harsh onslaught of the alarm clock. Almost like Moonboy, the adorable protagonist of Sleepwalker’s Journey.

Amid the game, we take on the character of a sleepwalker who gets pushed off the Moon by a passing comet and lands amid weird clouds. During the game, the brave sleepyhead cannot wake up. Our mission is to get the vulnerable youngster securely to his bed. To make matters worse, the sleepwalker will encounter several intricate trapdoors, frightening spirits, and other elements out to murder the sleepwalker along the route. The stages are designed in an incredibly innovative and inventive manner, making it hard to become bored. Each of the three planets you will visit is a unique, colorful world brimming with its own cartoon life. While playing, I had the impression that none of the over 40 boards were same and were just placed in the game to artificially boost their number.

(Image from Amazon)

Our main goal in Sleepwalker, as in other traditional platformers, is to go from one spot on the board to another without losing any lives. However, we must not only hurry because we are running out of time, but we must also collect the stars and moons we come across along the road. The more information we have, the better. We shall be showered with medals and mugs as a prize. Players that enjoy collecting collectibles will have a lot of fun. And I strongly advise you to relax and enjoy the levels rather than rushing to bed. Otherwise, the game will be done fast for us, which is a downside of Sleepwalker’s Journey.

While playing the 11 bit studios creation, I had the sense that the sound design was lifted directly from the films depicting the exploits of the young wizard Potter. That sounds fantastic! Another plus is the excellent cartoon visuals. Sleepwalker’s Journey is one of the most visually stunning games I’ve seen on mobile devices. Every aspect in the lovely, colorful world comes to life. Not only the main figure, but also the backdrop of the boards, are created with great care. I caught myself looking and cursing Moonboy more than once because I was staring at a small teddy bear in a bed somewhere in the backdrop.

(Image from Amazon)

Sleepwalker’s Journey is worth a look since it’s a lot of fun. You play the game in a single breath, appreciating the fantastic visuals and succumbing to the syndrome: “one more level and I’m done, honey.” One wants more and more, not being able to get enough.

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