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Lucius Review

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Lucius is the story of a youngster who is inspired by the film “The Omen” and turns out to be Lucifer’s son. Unfortunately, adopting a cinematic concept is not enough. The debut of the indie Finnish firm Shiver Games was simply terrible due to widespread faults in every available area and the clichéd gameplay.

Lucius, the governor of the United States’ son, murders one of the maids on his sixth birthday. The youngster had no idea why he did it. Only after killing the unfortunate maid does Lucifer arrive, admitting that he is the boy’s true father and explaining what job awaiting him. It’s simple: for the glory of Hell, he must murder all the residents in the Governor’s Mansion! Every attack is staged to appear to be an accident. All objects discovered in the house will be used in the creation of lethal traps. As the tale proceeds, we are rewarded with demonic abilities such as telekinesis, mind manipulation, and pyromancy. The amount of tools and possible ambushes is fixed. It’s a one-way street with no options. To disguise this reality, the Finnish designers included a few puzzles and riddles that were designed to lengthen the time spent going around the home. The majority of the game follows a straightforward pattern: discover the target, read tips about the murdering technique, gather all essential things, set up a trap, and witness the execution.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Stealth aspects arise as the tale unfolds. The six-year-old Antichrist goes through deserted, dark halls under the cover of darkness, for example, to destroy evidence of a crime. It’s difficult to comprehend why a demonic youngster with the ability to unleash fireballs and purposefully shove a maid from a balcony walks about with a flashlight. Is it true that Lucifer’s arsenal of abilities does not include darkvision? This may be bearable if using a flashlight was practical. It is, however, “glued” to the hip and only glows in the direction our hero is facing. We may use the mouse to look about, but the spotlight will always shine straight ahead. The passageways of the Dante house are not just vacant at night. Residents and tourists stroll about the property during the day with no specific objective in mind. Attempting to communicate with them frequently results in the same response. Even parents are too busy for their own son, and at best, they advise him to brush his teeth or clean his room. An ill-conceived scenario presents itself in a variety of ludicrous circumstances. A butler sends a six-year-old child to get a bottle of whiskey, a gardener requests a canister of gasoline, and Lucius is unable to find a seat at the Christmas table.

The character models are mediocre, and the animation is more reminiscent of older works. Even when they are not speaking, the characters move their mouths. Their voices aren’t horrible, although they can seem excessively dramatic at times, and absolutely emotionless at others. The house is gloomy, dismal, and devoid of character. We know her inside and out after the first three kills. Walking around the same corners becomes tedious after a while. The texture quality of the characters and setting isn’t outstanding, but it’s also not terrible. Lucius, like the rest of the company, is walking around aimlessly. Walking is quite sluggish, while sprinting frequently results in poor navigation and colliding with walls. The game lasts roughly six hours, which is more than enough time to learn about all of the flaws. When it is night and the flashlight is shining in a different direction, the cursor cannot pick the object, and the table textures block the field of view, even the simplest attempt to take something out of the closet is vexing.

(Image from Steam Game Page)

Lucius is a dull adventure in which Lucifer instructs us what to do and how to do it from beginning to finish, and the hero dashes from one spot to another, just to see the victim perish at the end. And he is supposed to be the son of Satan? If you don’t want to feel like your strings are being tugged by Lucius, skip this game.

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