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Metal Gear Revengance Review

(Image from Steam Game Shop)

Making a game that is different from the original series and focused on the action is a challenging but daring choice. Platinum Games developed a hard and entertaining slasher, but the plot lacks the degree of depth that fans of the Metal Gear Solid series have come to expect. The primary character is Raiden, a cyborg who has previously aided Solid Snake, and the scene of Raiden’s battle with Vamp is many people’s favorite part in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Four years after these events, Raiden is determined to ensuring peace and security for everyone who will pay for it as a member of the private military organization Maverick Security. An assassination attempt is made on the convoy of an influential African leader, N’Mani. The terrorist organization Desperado Enterprises is to blame for the attack. Despite our hero’s best attempts, the VIP is killed, and Jack is left without an arm and an eye. With this beginning, we already know what the purpose of the rest of the game will be: find and avenge all members of Desperado while also finding answers to burning questions. From beginning to end, the narrative is straightforward and predictable. The quantity of sentences repeated by individual antagonists provides no space for speculation and reveals the plot’s direction. The heroes on our side are similarly lacking in inventiveness, and tropes catch the eye. Maverick Security is made up of a Russian owner with an exaggerated accent, a black guy with dreadlocks, and a German scientist who Germanizes practically every phrase. A blonde computer specialist with attractiveness that exceeds acceptable norms rounds out the crew. Then there’s the robot-wolf, who has no feelings and rejects all irrational arguments. Companion creation is definitely inferior to that of unique characters such as Otacon, Meryl, or even Drebin.

Several exchanges stand out despite the usual attempt to creating secondary characters. We debate the preceding part’s summary, the purpose of living with a robot, or we cite R. Dawkins and his remarks on evolution. Halfway through the game, the tale gets quite deep, nearly crammed with emotional situations, but all of that beauty is lost in the last chapter, which returns to the level of nonsense, babble about war and economics, and predictable pomp. The abundance of references to the original series ensures that you never forget where you are in the quest. Even though we no longer snoop about as much, the detection and alarm indication is still present. The fast menu is fairly similar as well. Raiden can hide under a cardboard box or use Codec to contact teammates. We can also take part in Metal Gear Solid-style simulated missions. All of this contributes to a really nice and familiar atmosphere. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance’s gameplay is its strongest suit. Platinum Games’ creators know how to make satisfying slashers, as seen by this. Raiden has a high-frequency sword that can sever practically anything. The earliest trailers for the game revealed that the main character effortlessly slices the opponent in two while standing behind a concrete column, and the attacks are accurate enough to cut a watermelon in the game. That’s how it is, and I must say that having the capacity to chop all the items in the vicinity is a lot of fun. I ran around like a crazy kitchen robot for the first hour of the game, trying to construct salad out of trees, boxes, and automobiles. There are various blow combinations, and the transition animations are really smooth and stunning. Furthermore, as we go through the game, we can uncover more secret blows. We are awarded for quick and flawless fights, effective and extended combinations, and the usage of Zan-Datsu, an extra mode that slows time, allowing you to deliver more blows and cut the opponent in sensitive spots where the supply of life-regenerating nanopaste is kept. It takes some time to learn the entire system of battle, parrying, and rapid reactions, but with each succeeding step you get closer to perfection, which is rewarded with both points and stunning moments of destroying adversaries. Most of the bosses in the game lose their weapons after beating them, which we can later utilize by switching one of the two attack buttons with a sword. This allows for a whole new set of techniques while also limiting the use of many fundamental combinations.

(Image from Steam Game Shop)

Fighting a rising number of various opponents challenges you to employ a variety of diverse combinations and extra devices, such as grenades or bazookas. The gameplay is fast, violent, and exhilarating, yet it is not without issues. The most serious issue is the camera’s unusual behavior. The camera frequently switches from where we were observing to a completely different location – it’s as though Raiden turned his head and stared at an irrelevant wall. This is highly problematic in situations where we are creeping and must constantly monitor the victim, as well as in quick combat situations where we must monitor every move. Furthermore, as more attackers emerge, the camera does not shift away. It’s customary to attack blindly to get out of difficulty, but with the correct camera distance, we might position ourselves in such a manner that we could then decapitate numerous tormentors at once with a single stroke of the sword, like a true cyber ninja. This transforms the promised precise slicing mode into one of last-minute foes and bosses, and making salad out of trees and automobiles. The boss confrontations are by far the most exciting aspect of Revengeance. All of the battles that conclude the chapters demonstrate Raiden’s toughness. They give some extremely fulfilling moments, culminating in a scenario in which Jack stands alone amidst the ashes of the surroundings in which he was forced to draw his sword. Each duel has a hard difficulty level and occasionally entertaining chat. They are diverse encounters. We battle with huge machines at times, and honorable duels on trodden ground at others. Despite the usual button sequences, the game provides many tactics for defeating each opponent, with multiple paths to go and diverse sights to explore. Consider the previous boss fight. A wholly different approach to the game does not rule out the possibility of victory. This is a significant departure from previous final confrontations, which required lightning-fast reaction and the use of the same flawless moves as the only viable technique of beating the adversary.

(Image from Steam Game Shop)

In the game, attractive character models, developed to the finest detail, contrast with the spartan landscape that harkens back to the days of prior consoles, as is customary for Japanese companies. The hero can create such a low-quality shadow that many pixels can be seen at times. The locations where we battle are not noticeably different. There are a few distinguishing features, such as suburban sewers, a gloomy subway tunnel, and a chamber themed as a medieval Japanese village. The others only provide gray walls of buildings and streets. The hardness of the planet has the advantage of not slowing down the animation in the game for even a second, allowing us to experience complete fluidity in action-packed moments. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is an entertaining slasher. However, the thin tale, which falls well short of the series’ expectations, leaves you disappointed. Because of the possibilities of character growth, the initial running of the game is really a warm-up before using the obtained talents on a more tougher difficulty level. The game is also packed with hidden stuff, mysteries, and warriors in cardboard boxes, so a single meeting with Raiden should easily last eight to nine hours.

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