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Draw Slasher Review

We used normal buttons and analog sticks, the back touch panel, both cameras, and the accelerometer to play on the PlayStation Vita. Meanwhile, Draw Slasher, a game developed by the Polish firm Mass Creation, demonstrates that one finger is enough to unleash a true, gory samurai-style slaughter on the console’s front screen. When the main […]

Anomaly 2 Review

Anomaly 2 had the potential to be a fantastic sequel, but it became “only” a creative evolution of the first, with an intriguing multiplayer mode at the foreground. The creation of the Polish 11 bit studios leaves you disappointed with a simplistic narrative, lousy acting, and a short single-player campaign. The potential was far larger. […]

Kairo Review

When independent games attempt to address serious issues, the outcomes are frequently disappointing. The founders’ artistic flare seldom bodes well for the output. There are diamonds among games that aim to be art, but far too frequently we get something not particularly playable but painfully arrogant. Richard Perrin, the guy who introduced us to the […]

Driftmoon Review

Driftmoon is an original RPG that does not appear to have been produced in the twenty-first century, yet it is nonetheless a modern gem. Although unpolished, it is nonetheless valuable. It was full of fairy-tale charm and reminded me of a period when what counted most in virtual excursions was the ambiance surrounding a compelling […]